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Suman Chakraborty ’97


Member, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo, P.C.

Advocate, Advisor, Husband

Since leaving Princeton, Suman Chakraborty has made advocacy a priority in both his professional and personal lives. On the professional side, he is a partner at a leading law firm where he represents clients in high value arbitrations and in state and federal court litigation across the country. Outside of this work, he has devoted his time and energy to supporting local and national LGBTQ+ organizations. He served for many years on the board of directors of the National LGBTQ Task Force, including as its co-chair. He first attended the Task Force’s legendary Creating Change Conference when he was a junior at Princeton, an experience that led to his decades-long relationship with it. Chakraborty currently serves on the board of directors of the Stonewall Community Foundation, which supports grant-making to a wide variety of community-based organizations in New York City and across the country. While at Princeton, he served as chair of the “LGBA” as it was then known. He was also a columnist for the Daily Princetonian, vice president of the International Students Association and a resident advisor in Rockefeller College, where he lived for all four years of his college experience. At graduation, Chakraborty was awarded the Harold Willis Dodds Award, which is given to the senior whose service to Princeton reflects a “thoroughgoing devotion to the welfare of the University and to the life of the mind.” He lives in New York City with his husband, Joseph, and his mini-schnauzer, Cherry.


Uncovering LGBTQ+ Stories at Princeton

Friday, September 20

Delve into the rich history of LGBTQ+ at Princeton, setting the stage for conference discussions. Through this engaging keynote discussion and interactive presentations, attendees will gain a better understanding of Princeton’s LGBTQ+ history. Leave empowered to build and share your own narrative, and with a deeper appreciation of how it contributes to the broader history of our alma mater.

Introduced by: Jill Dolan, Annan Professor in English, Professor of Theatre
Moderated by: Margot Canaday, Dodge Professor of History.