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Sebastian Quiroz ’20


Fellowships Coordinator, Office of International Programs, Princeton University

Curious, engaged

Sebastian Quiroz assists students throughout their application process to various postgraduate fellowships. Born in Colombia, he maintains close connections to heritage through family, culture and travel. While an undergraduate at Princeton, he spent a semester abroad at Oxford University. He enjoyed his experience so much that he completed a master’s degree at McGill University following graduation.


Worldly Perspectives: International LGBTQ+ Experiences

Saturday, September 21

Embark on a global journey of LGBTQ+ international experiences. Immerse yourself in a social event featuring tasting stations with small bites and drinks from around the world, while storytellers share their unique journeys and challenges. Leave feeling connected, enlightened, and with a deeper understanding of the diverse lives within our community, along with recipe cards to recreate the culinary delights sampled during the event.