Lifetime Learner
Ricardo DeLeon has more than 30 years experience in corporate and nonprofit finance. He is currently CFO and treasurer of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation in Lansdowne, Virginia. Previously, DeLeon served as CFO of the Los Angeles LGBT Center and COO of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. His corporate experience was primarily 25 years at Procter & Gamble, from where he retired in 2016. Service has been key throughout DeLeon’s career. He has served on the Committee on Awards for Service to Princeton (chair, 2023-24), the Committee on Nominations and the Association of Latino Princeton Alumni (president, 2014-17). DeLeon was co-chair of the Adelante Tigres Conference in 2017. He also is co-founder of the Princeton Recuerdos project documenting the Princeton Latino experience. DeLeon is currently vice chair of Princeton AlumniCorps and serves on other nonprofit boards, including co-chair of the West Oso ISD Educational Foundation (his high school alma mater). He and his siblings established a scholarship program at West Oso High School in honor of his parents, who were immigrants. Through 2024, more than 50 graduating seniors at West Oso have received the Contreras DeLeon scholarship helping to fund their education, including a current Princeton Class of 2027 student. DeLeon received his MBA from Washington University in St. Louis in 1990. At Princeton, he was active in the Chicano Caucus and Third World Center. DeLeon is originally from Corpus Christ, Texas, and currently lives in Montclair, Virginia, with his husband, Anthony.