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Kristopher Velasco


Assistant Professor of Sociology, Princeton University

Scholar, Creative, Loyal

Kristopher Velasco’s research focuses on changing cultural and political regulations of gender and sexuality in both global and U.S. contexts. This interest carries into three specific research agendas. First, he focuses on how both pro-LGBTQ+ advocates and their anti-LGBTQ+ opponents shape policies around the world, especially due to the influx of evangelical financing. Second, he analyzes the growth and development of the U.S. LGBTQ+ movement. He pays particular attention to how understandings of gender and sexuality expand within LGBTQ+ organizations and how policy changes affect them as well. His last line of research focuses on how LGBTQ+ policy changes around the world influence queer migration into the United States. He came to Princeton in 2021.


The Past, Present and Future of Global LGBTQ+ Equality

Friday, September 20

After decades of progress, repression against LGBTQ+ communities is on the rise. This talk will showcase how the development of transnational movements helped expand LGBTQ+ equality around the world. But these successes inspired the development of a new international coalition of pro-“natural family” advocates, financed by U.S. evangelicals, to block and reverse these gains. How, then, should proponents of LGBTQ+ rights adjust their strategies to meet these new daunting challenges?

Introduced by: Howie Rosen ’80, Retired Consultant