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Brady Walkinshaw ’06


Publisher and Founder, Noisy Creek
Brady Walkinshaw

Media, Climate, Politics

Brady Walkinshaw (he/him) is the chairman and publisher of Noisy Creek, which owns media brands like The Stranger and The Portland Mercury, a live event ticketing company and a production studio. He founded Noisy Creek with the passionate belief that vibrant local alternative weeklies spark joy and connection to one another and advance a just vision for our future. Walkinshaw brings a career of leadership in media, politics and philanthropy to Noisy Creek. He advises leading philanthropists, companies and cultural figures on climate change, media and social impact. Walkinshaw is a senior advisor at the University of Washington and teaches as the dean’s lecturer in sustainability. He previously served as CEO of Grist, the environmental media non-profit, garnering accolades like a National Magazine Award for General Excellence; and as CEO of Earth Alliance. Walkinshaw served two terms in the Washington state legislature and began his career with the Gates Foundation. He is a longtime Seattleite and a Fulbright Scholar.


Agents of Change: LGBTQ+ Social Movements

Saturday, September 21

This panel will discuss foundational aspects of social justice, including restorative justice and repair, as well as the LGBTQ+ community’s leadership role in global social justice movements. Leave empowered with insights and strategies for fostering just relationships and contributing to positive change in our communities and beyond.