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David T. Hsu *12


Program Director, Building Cultures of Belonging, Omidyar Network

Philanthropic Strategist, Political Scientist, LA

David Hsu leads the Building Cultures of Belonging portfolio team at Omidyar Network, the social change venture established by philanthropists Pam and Pierre Omidyar that focuses on strengthening the social infrastructure, innovations and imagination for a United States spacious enough for all of us to belong. Previously, he was part of the firm’s future-sensing unit, which explores alternative futures rooted in transformative visions of equity, access, belonging and justice. A strategist and social scientist with 20 years of experience, Hsu has worked at the Hollywood-based cultural consultancy Propper Daley, tech startup NationBuilder, the University of Pennsylvania and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division. He wrote “Untethered: A Primer on Social Isolation” and serves on the boards of CoGenerate.org and Inclusive Action for the City in Los Angeles.


Networking Breakfast With Current Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Saturday, September 21

Begin your Saturday morning with a networking breakfast, uniting alumni, undergraduate and graduate students for a morning of connection and camaraderie.