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Margaret Rosario ’75


Distinguished Professor of Psychology, City University of New York

researcher, psychologist, professor

Margaret Rosario’s research focuses on identity: its development and implications for health and other adaptive outcomes. Her research has primarily centered on lesbian, gay and bisexual young people undergoing sexual identity development. The relations between stress and sexual identity development to health and other adaptive outcomes are of interest, as are other factors associated with these relations. In addition, she is interested in the determinants of sexual orientation and the intersection of multiple identities. For her research, she has been honored with the Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award from the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, as well as the Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award and Distinguished Contribution to Ethnic Minority Issues Award from Division 44 of the American Psychological Association, the Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Sex Research and Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health, and a member of the editorial boards of Archives of Sexual Behavior and the American Journal of Community Psychology.


Strength in Vulnerability: LGBTQ+ Narratives of Mental Resilience

Saturday, September 21

In this session, we’ll examine the intersection of mental health and LGBTQ+ identity at Princeton and beyond. Through a panel discussion, attendees will gain valuable insights into broader societal trends and dispel misconceptions surrounding mental health. Leave with a deeper understanding of mental health issues and strategies to foster a supportive and inclusive community for LGBTQ+ individuals of all ages.

Moderated by: Kristina Olson, Professor of Psychology